I'm enjoying your web site.

I have a suggestion for your web site. Could you open some S&M lecture on your web site like other web sites?

I believe that you could fill great contents in it.

Please think about this.

Mr. Ishida in Tokyo, and the others.

Thank you for your e-mail.

And also I thank you for saying this to me. I appreciate it.

But to tell you the truth, I don't want to do any lecture stuff,
never and ever.

I did some kind of S&M-logy stuffs in my columns, which based on
my past experience, but I believe that everyone should have his own color.

You should think individualized approach to your partner if you truly care
about her like my recent partner Kaoru and Mizuki;
there should be applied every different S&M-logy, flexibly.

As you already well known the idea of S&M has various aspect.

The best way for Ms. A is not going to work for Ms. B.

Thus, I believe we should be making each S&M-logy between every partner via
communication, step by step.

Moreover, the S&M-logy without certain partner will put some stereotype.
The bias will disbud the infinitude of possibilities of S&M and cage the world.
It's a monumental risk.

This way will mar your future and your relationship.

The pure S&M relationship will weave your own S&M-logy.

Many S&M related web sits provide their own S&M-logy which based on their
own idea or background individually.

As the result, this situation brings beginners movement that acquisition of
S&M-logy as their self-satisfaction.

I truly believe psychogender is one of the most important elements of S&M,
and you cannot study from any material, but your faith or sympathetic
resonance in yor partner will show you the road.

And the stance, I mentioned above, to the partner turns out to respect
psychogender, I presume.

Please remember this: almost all of S&M-logy is self-satisfaction.

"You cannot get any S&M-logy from any written material,
but you will get it from your relationship with your partner."
I usually only advise my fellow this.

If you are a big-headed parson, I recommend you that you should study some
bottom line of S&M relationship rule.

But I don't want to say anything about this, true or wrong.

Everyone has own color. I have mine and you also do.

I respect the differentiation.

If you are the guy who want to give your prior attention to women's mentality,
as like as me, please forget such a S&M-logy lecture content but try to
understand your partner, full attention, and then construct well relationship
and own S&M-logy with your partner.

I can understand the beginner's thinking of getting theory of S&M to try to
vie with his senior, but it will be discontented you and lacquer will be
peeling off soon.

If you are a beginner, you should say so.
That moral fiber will bring well relationship to you.

Women also.

Please forget about stereotype of what m'lady is and try to understand your
master to make sure your idea of m'lay for your partner.

The best thing for this is oral communication.

No hiding stuffs, okay?

The words and words, feeling and feeling will facilitate each other;
then your partner and you get sympathetic resonance.

After that, you two become a great couple.
Everyone will be envious of your relationship.

Anyway, I don't do any lecture based on this.

And one more thing.
Theory and knowledge is completely different thing.

So, please greedily get knowledge if you are a beginner.

It helps you and your partner.

Safety and hygiene consideration, in particular.

Your S&M-logy will arise naturally if you do so.

Most important thing is the process.


translated by Peter Junk