What I was worrying about before I opened this web site wasn't reaching
e-mail from m'ladis but my ability to run this column.
I've diaryed but I have to pick the topics and do it clearly
if I go out publish it.
And there should be maintain things, I supposed.
Won't it ended up just being a three-day wonder?
I thought such things at first.
The core objective of this web site is not only S&M connection,
but I also focus on person-to-person mental relationship with m'ladis.
Therefore, I need this column to tell what I'm thinking.
I set the bottom line as three months. And I did.
I don't know what you readers are thinking about day to day work type
column update task, but to tell you the truth it's tough.
That's more than I thought.
As time past, this moderate responsibility type job
makes me some sort of afterglow:
I've never gotten whipping thing but I guess I understand the feeling.
So, I wrote this and that, sorry about not everyday,
with my pleasure nowadays.
As I wrote in the notice page, today is the final update day in this year.
I thought I would tell you some special story at first, but on second
thought I'm gonna looking back and wanted to make a complimentary remark.
I believe this site will become marvelous one next year.
I know that clearly.
It's not over-self-confident.
My passionate devotion to m'ladis and web site making makes me speak this
"I saw your web site in the begin with and kept eyes on.
I knew it was so small."
I'm dreaming about this: some day some startup audiences give me the words.
So, I'm keeping the stance coming year.
Allow me to again thank you to Ms. X.
You gave me the FIRST e-mail via this web site.
I didn't put access counter on, so I didn't know how many people had come.
I thought about kike that and wrote this column, and the days went about.
But one fine day, you gave me the first e-mail.
Just an e-mail but it supported me. It's driving force.
I also want to say thank you all of whom they gave me various e-mails.
We never saw if I didn't do this web site, but fortunately there we went.
That is remarkably happy to me. What I want to say is your courage
has supported me; I couldn't say thank you enough.
I truly hope that our future encounter and further relationship help to
make your priceless boon.
Raising this web site, I grow myself with you, I hope.
I'm keeping sharpen myself, so keep a very close watch me.
If you feel join to, please let me know.
I'm always here, for you.
Dec. 22, 1999 Shadow
translated by Peter Junk