It is better to say you guys might be from the directly of Yahoo! Japan
rather than I say like "as you already know".
YES, this web site has been registered.

The notification arrived at December 24th, last year.

Reading again and again the notification e-mail with my delight, I thought
that Yahoo! Japan gave me the Christmas present that I'd never gotten,
they did pretty cool thing.

I'm not a hotdogger, but publishing own attitude via web is kinda nice thing
and I really enjoy with that.

It was the second application and they accepted it then.

I applied with self-recommend the day when I launched this web site
even though I only uploaded just one column content.

I thought that I would get the entry easily if I have some recommendation
since if I didn't know any registration procedure.

But the other day, I was aware that the difficulties of the registration thing
while I surfed the directly 'Site Announcement and Promotion'.

And saying goes it's rarely passed the registration-exam for popular category
even if the site has feasible contents.

So, I still even don't know why my web site was passed.
But you know, it could be some kind of Santa Claus thing, if I might say.

Anyhow. Thanksfully, there are new visitors, quite a lot.

Common site making will pack into lots of stuff there as this situation,
but what I want to try is stuff every my pictured things
and then subtract surplus to make simple one.

I'll make nonpublic about the e-mail things from women sometime in the future.

I guess it's no surprises way.

Undisclosedly make well communication with each other. This is my hope.

But I'm gonna make some elaborate fictions
and am gonna upload them alternatively.

In other word, I'll write some sensual-stories with you m'ledies
as heroines. How's it sounds?

Actually, what I'm writing hard-boiled S&M sensual-story gonna be
a basis for above saying.

I'm still thinking various things, but I'm happy to say that
this web site became a kind of public site since it's registered.
Please let me know if you have ideas and suggestion.
I'll sincerely concern about that and will make better web site.
I promise you.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you m'ladies. Please give me some comment.

Thank you for hearing this.

Jan. 2, 2000 Shadow

translated by Peter Junk